Welcome to OIC!

Welcome to the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation!

This year, OIC will cover two topics --the Empowerment of Muslim Women and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. As you begin your research process, I encourage you to keep an open mind and be cognizant of the vast information that is online.

Our primary objective in OIC is to maintain a non-biased neutral perspective during debate and have you become well-informed of these fascinating topics. This will not only prepare you to debate upon these topics in March, but will also equip you to become an elite researcher who is capable of sifting out inaccurate or tendentious biases.

Here is the link to the OIC committee page. You will find the Topic Synopsis, Executive Summaries of the topic, Position Paper Guidelines, and a brief video introduction of me trying to encourage you to read our synopsis! The best way to start your research journey is to read the Topic Synopsis, then eventually make your way towards scholarly or news articles that are applicable to your country.

Keep in mind that there are specific changes in the Position Paper Guidelines this year, so make sure to correctly follow the new guideline.

Good luck on your research! Remember that you are not alone -- in the coming weeks leading up to conference, we will be posting weekly blogs to keep you updated and engaged. If you have any specific committee-related topics that you would like us to write about, comment below or email me. Brownie points if you made it this far, and extra brownie points if you actually make a comment.

We look forward to seeing you all in March!

If you have any further questions regarding committee, feel free to email me at swang@bmun.org.

Serena Wang
Head Chair of OIC, BMUN LXVII


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