Basic Facts You Should Know About the OIC
Hey guys!
As conference is quickly approaching, I thought it would be beneficial to provide you guys with a basic background as to 1) what the "Organization of Islamic Cooperation" really means and 2) address how this may impact the manner in which you debate come March.
Officially, the main objective for the OIC is to preserve Islamic social and economic values, increase social, economic, political, scientific cooperation, international peace, and security. The international organization was established in 1969 and consists of 57 member states.
So what does this entail?
The OIC is renowned as the collective voice of the Muslim world, largely because the collective population of OIC states is over 1.9 billion people. This includes individuals of all origins and is not excluded to Middle Eastern states with an Arab-majority. Rather, the OIC is an over-arching umbrella that spreads across all states of the world, and even includes countries such as Malaysia and Sudan.
In terms of our topic synopsis, the OIC officially supports the two-state solution and denies any notion of Palestinian violence (PLO) as acts of terrorism against Israel. The OIC further defines the term "terrorism" separate from the universally-recognized definition for human rights. This largely stems from the fact that the OIC is fundamentally tied to the Cairo Declaration of International Human Rights in Islam, which is closely parallel to Shar'ia law, otherwise known as Quranic law.
How might this impact YOU?
To get straight to the point, the OIC is extremely biased. In terms of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the OIC is known to support only one side, and they have publicly announced their recognition of the state of Palestine. Further, their separate definition and perception of "international human rights" is rooted within the religious complexities of Muslim-majority nations, where states that abide by Shar'ia law are subject to suppress Muslim Arab women rights.
For our committee, I expect you to provide an extremely neutral non-biased perceptive during debate. I will not tolerate any biases that may hinder another position towards these controversial topics, particularly in terms of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. Just because the OIC may publicly portray a certain bias, that is not the point of Model United Nations! The OIC definition of international human rights also differs from the UN, and this clash could also serve as an interesting point to address throughout conference. Essentially, the OIC's attitude towards Shar'ia law should not hinder your country from producing resolutions to improve Muslim women rights.
Thus, I am hoping that you come to committee with a fresh state of mind, an openness to new opinions, and knowledge of all the facts that will produce a strong speech & resolution!
As conference is quickly approaching, I thought it would be beneficial to provide you guys with a basic background as to 1) what the "Organization of Islamic Cooperation" really means and 2) address how this may impact the manner in which you debate come March.
Officially, the main objective for the OIC is to preserve Islamic social and economic values, increase social, economic, political, scientific cooperation, international peace, and security. The international organization was established in 1969 and consists of 57 member states.
The OIC is renowned as the collective voice of the Muslim world, largely because the collective population of OIC states is over 1.9 billion people. This includes individuals of all origins and is not excluded to Middle Eastern states with an Arab-majority. Rather, the OIC is an over-arching umbrella that spreads across all states of the world, and even includes countries such as Malaysia and Sudan.
In terms of our topic synopsis, the OIC officially supports the two-state solution and denies any notion of Palestinian violence (PLO) as acts of terrorism against Israel. The OIC further defines the term "terrorism" separate from the universally-recognized definition for human rights. This largely stems from the fact that the OIC is fundamentally tied to the Cairo Declaration of International Human Rights in Islam, which is closely parallel to Shar'ia law, otherwise known as Quranic law.
To get straight to the point, the OIC is extremely biased. In terms of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the OIC is known to support only one side, and they have publicly announced their recognition of the state of Palestine. Further, their separate definition and perception of "international human rights" is rooted within the religious complexities of Muslim-majority nations, where states that abide by Shar'ia law are subject to suppress Muslim Arab women rights.
For our committee, I expect you to provide an extremely neutral non-biased perceptive during debate. I will not tolerate any biases that may hinder another position towards these controversial topics, particularly in terms of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations. Just because the OIC may publicly portray a certain bias, that is not the point of Model United Nations! The OIC definition of international human rights also differs from the UN, and this clash could also serve as an interesting point to address throughout conference. Essentially, the OIC's attitude towards Shar'ia law should not hinder your country from producing resolutions to improve Muslim women rights.
Thus, I am hoping that you come to committee with a fresh state of mind, an openness to new opinions, and knowledge of all the facts that will produce a strong speech & resolution!
See you guys soon! Keep up the good work :)
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